
April showers bring… kittens

Here at SHAID Tree Animal Shelter, we are at the beginning of kitten season, already with five pregnant queens in volunteer foster homes outside of the shelter.

It is the safest place for pregnant queens to give birth in a quiet home setting, rather than at the shelter itself, where the delicate newborns would have no protection against one of many contagious feline viruses like upper respiratory infection. Upper respiratory infections are extremely common in shelter environments; and while not dangerous for a vaccinated, adult cat, it can be fatal for newborns.

We are looking for additional experienced volunteers to join our Fostering Pregnant Queens program. It is an extremely rewarding opportunity with a time commitment of approximately two to three months. We provide all supplies needed along with a handbook full of information including how to handle emergencies such as fading kitten syndrome and other medical issues in dealing with upper respiratory virus, herpes, calicivirus, and the different types of internal parasites (worms).

Our pregnant feline queens are tested for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus, and examined by our vet prior to being sent to their foster homes, along with being vaccinated and treated for parasites, so there should be no risks to your current pets (they must be up to date on vaccinations in order to foster).

All you need is a separate spare room that the queen can be safely and comfortably contained when she gives birth and raises her babies – and lots of cuddles to socialize the kittens once they reach a couple weeks of age.

We would also like to remind our readers that if you find a litter of "abandoned" kittens outside... WAIT! Do not touch them, do not pick them up!

The mother is most likely right around the corner, searching for food or a new nest for her babies. Kittens' best chance of survival is always with their mother. If she knows you are close by, she will not return to the kittens until she feels the coast is clear.

Make sure to observe from at least 20 metres away. If momma doesn't return after several hours, then it is time to step in and help. SHAID has an Orphaned Kittens guide available to the community and we also foster orphaned kittens. You can reach us by calling 902-543-4849 or emailing info@shaidanimalshelter.com. Thank you.

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